What do you know about Solomon? From what I remember (not much, admittedly), he was considered to be wise and just. What I didn't know was what Dr. David Jeremiah hints at in his preface and introduction, and what he elaborates upon as the book develops. There is so much more to know about King Solomon ... "The wisest man on the face of the earth" - definitely able to teach us a thing or two, wouldn't you say?
In 31 Days to Happiness, David Jeremiah walks us through the struggles, through the pain, through the understanding, and the growth of wisdom of King Solomon.
Who was King Solomon, this wise man of the Bible? Son of David and Bathsheba, a wise and trusted ruler. A man who drifted away from God. A man who found his way back.
What I once knew but forgot about Solomon, I was reminded of in the book's introduction: the three books called his legacy. Song of Solomon, of course. Dr. Jeremiah calls this "rhapsody of passionate romance" the book of "the morning of his life." Proverbs, written during his strong years - or the "noontime of his life" - is a "heavenly rule book for earthly living". If Song of Solomon is passionate love and Proverbs is the rule book, what in the world is Ecclesiastes? Ecclesiastes is "a regretful retrospective," or what happens when you wake up to find that not only do you not know it all, you know exactly what you don't know.
Solomon could have - and did, at a point in his life - have nearly everything he could possibly want. When God asked him what he wanted, Solomon asked for wisdom. Wisdom! Would that we could have it bestowed upon us, instead of having to earn it through making mistakes ... Solomon was a very wise man, indeed. But even wise men can be dumb sometimes. And so, too, can we.
We are not supposed to have all the answers. We are supposed to seek He who does have those answers. This book tells us about Solomon, his decisions, the consequences of those decisions, and his regrets. The subtitle of this book, How to Find What Really Matters in Life, sums it up nicely. It is not about what we have, it is about what we do with what we have. Those aren't new words, I can't claim them as my own. What I DO know, however, is that life isn't about things and knowing all the answers. Life is about living for Jesus, in a way that allows Him to shine through us. Life is about knowing who DOES have all the answers - and actively seeking Him. From Bored to Death (chapter 2) to Dollars and Sense (Chapter 13), from Employment without Enjoyment (chapter 15), to the Power of Wisdom (Chapter 22), Dr. David Jeremiah walks us through the life of a fascinating man. What I learned in the process was a lot about Solomon ... and even more about Denise.
Lord, I have so much learning to do. I ask for your grace and mercy as I stumble through this journey of discovery. Please guide me to you in all that I do. Help me to be as You would have me be, every day, one step at a time.
"Wisdom is good with an inheritance, And profitable to those who see the sun. For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it." ~ Ecclesiastes 7:11-12
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