I Blog For Books

WestBow Press

18 August 2010

On The Road Again

It seems as if it was a long time in coming, but yesterday, I got in my truck and headed west. After nearly four months of living apart, I am going to live in the same house with my husband again! I'll be the first one to admit that driving (especially driving alone) can be a not-so-fun thing to do at times. Add sporadically heavy traffic and not-so-beautiful weather to the mix, and let's just say that I have a renewed appreciation for those who drive for a living!

I started my Monday with the best of intentions. My plan was to get to work on time, get myself organized and be prepared to walk out the door shortly after 11 so I could get home, relax for a few minutes, and get a good night's sleep for Tuesday's drive. Suffice it to say, that plans ... well, we all know what can happen to plans. I did get to work on time (even though I completely forgot about a meeting I was scheduled for prior to my shift), ended up not leaving work until nearly 1 a.m., then got home and couldn't sleep. I finally drifted off around 3 a.m., knowing full well that Miss Sunshine (aka Sami) would be up all perky and cheerful around 6 a.m. Seems that we all were less than perky a few hours later ... Sami didn't want to wake up either! She ate breakfast and got dressed for school, Mom got dressed for work, and I finally forced myself to get dressed and finish loading the final items (computer, cell phone, purse) in the truck.

A couple of quick stops for gas and breakfast, since I'm not a huge fan of gas station breakfast, and I was on my way. The short drive down 231 to I-10 was relatively uneventful, even though it was overcast, the traffic was light. Left turn, and this is it! Some 500 miles later I would reach my destination. Before I had traveled too far, the rain started. Don't misunderstand me: I love the rain ... when I'm inside and don't have to get out in it! I am not particularly fond of driving in the rain, especially when it's raining so hard that windshield wipers on full blast barely make a difference. This was to be my trip ... rain, no rain, light rain, heavy rain, sprinkles, no rain. You get the idea.

My least favorite part of the journey between Alabama and Louisiana would have to be the Atchafalaya Basin Bridge. Twenty miles of not-much-at-all interspersed with some breathtaking scenery (and nowhere to pull over and take pictures) is not my favorite place to be in the rain. Traffic was heavier than usual on this section of my trip, and by the time the bridge ended I was more than ready to stop for a cup of coffee and a stretch! Since there is not a Cracker Barrel nearby, I elected to stop at a Pilot in Breaux Bridge for coffee. At the self-serve coffee station, I had my cup nearly filled when it slipped from my hand and hit the floor, splattering my face, jeans, and sneakers in the process (how it missed my shirt, I have no idea). No burns unless you count the one from embarrassment. Another cup filled successfully and I was on my way.
Signs for Lake Charles finally appeared, and I'm thinking that I'm almost there ... only to find that 5:15 p.m. is apparently not the time to go from one side of Lake Charles to the other via I-10. What would normally take about 10-15 minutes ended up taking nearly an hour, only to get off at the Westlake exit and find that the train comes through at this time of day as well ... another 10 minutes of sitting in traffic and I'm heading home! Finally!!

What makes this trip any different from the others that I've made over the past few months? Driving gives me LOTS of time to think, to wonder, to plan, and even to pray. Yesterday, I did some of each, and was struck by a startling realization. I need to do more thinking, wondering, planning and praying. I need to open myself up to receive what God is saying, and to listen and obey His commands. If I am to effectively serve Him, I need to let Him fill me, then share.

It doesn't take a road trip to realize that God is everywhere, and God is within. Next time you get behind the wheel, take some time to listen to what can sometimes be a whisper. You might just be surprised ...

God, I thank you for the safe journey that you gave me. Bless those who drive every day, and watch over them as they travel. Thank you for opening my mind and heart, and please allow me to continue to receive your many and beautiful blessings.

... "Go in peace. Your journey has the LORD's approval." ~Judges 18:6

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