Does anyone know who wrote that song? I can't find it anywhere, but I certainly remember singing it in Sunday School! There are many versions of the Bible, my two favorites are the King James Version (the one I was "raised on") and the New International Version. Today, I believe I am going shopping for a new bible. I own three already, but a friend of mine just posted on Facebook a link to a group that is planning to read the Bible through in 2012, and I want a new Bible to read through and take notes in. That excites me! To read through God's Holy Word with others, and to discuss it ... what a fulfilling thing to look forward to for the new year!
Some people read the Bible daily. Unfortunately, I do not. I have at times in the past, and have read through the entire Bible at least once. These past few weeks have been a time of reflection for me, a time to make me sit up and take stock of my life and the direction in which it is heading.
Christmas Day, we (mama, Rob and I) went to Rob's brother Paul's house for Christmas dinner. My sister-in-law, Pam, was on call for the weekend, and had to go in to work for a short bit that morning. Shortly after we arrived, she told us that she and the girls (our nieces Paige and Piper) were going to church since they hadn't gone that morning, and asked us if we wanted to go along. Mama and I decided to go, underdressed though we were (as in jeans and sweatshirts). On the way, Pam called our mother-in-law, Jane, and she decided to meet us at church.
This was a first for me: I haven't set foot in church for a worship service in I don't even remember when. What does that mean? It means it's been way too long. There is a list of excuses I could use, but that is all they would be: excuses. I was raised in church! From this point forward, however, I have two choices. I can begin attending church again, or continue on the current path of non-attendance. The decision is mine, and I am the one who has to stand before my Lord. Will He love me less if I don't go to church? I don't think so, but there comes a feeling of peace, of community, of fellowship from attending church that you just don't find anywhere else. The simple service at the Vidor Church of Christ on Christmas evening touched my heart in a way that it has not been touched in far too long. I believe it truly was God speaking to me.
Today on Facebook, a friend of mine posted a link to read through the Bible in 2012. I got so excited when I read this that I immediately clicked on the link and asked to be a part of the group. I cannot even begin to explain how encouraged I am about this! Sometimes, I think you just need to share things with others to get the most out of it. I am in no way saying that reading the Bible on your own is unfulfilling, but I think that when you read with others you can bounce ideas and thoughts off each other and gain a deeper understanding than you can on your own. I will post the link if anyone is interested in becoming a part of the group. I am looking forward to the blessings that are to come!!
God, I humble myself before you, and ask forgiveness. I ask that you open my ears and heart to you, so that I may receive your guidance. Please keep your merciful hand upon me, and direct me on the path that you would have me take. As I prepare to begin another year, I ask for your help to follow your will in all things.
Here's the link for reading through the Bible for those that may be interested:
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death."
~Romans 8:1-2 NIV
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