As you can see from the cover image, the smaller print underneath the title reads "More than we deserve Greater than we imagine."
What do you think of when you hear the word grace? The examples used in the book (grace period, grace note, fall from grace) are familiar. Grace, to me, means that I am blessed indeed. Grace means that God gives to me - as Max outlines on the cover - far more than I deserve. "Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off," on page 8. Moving over to page 23, we see grace further defined as God-given "when it causes indignation ... alarm ... longing ... concern ... readiness to see justice done" (2 COR 7:11 NIV). I agree with that statement! It's a wake up call, God patting you on the shoulder saying "Wake up and pay attention!"
Moving further into the book, on page 98, Max explains sustaining grace far better than I would have been able to do. "Sustaining grace meets us at our point of need and equips us with courage, wisdom, and strength. It surprises us in the middle of our personal transatlantic flights with ample resources of faith. Sustaining grace promises not the absence of struggle, but the presence of God." In that final sentence, it is made vividly clear to me just how boundless God's grace is. It does not promise that we will have no struggle, but that God will be with us always. What power in those words!
Delve into Grace. Let the beauty of Max Lucado's words envelop you. Be thankful for God's grace and realize how blessed you truly are. The reader's guide by Kate Etue at the end of the book goes over each chapter, offering scripture review and questions to further expand your study of grace. It is suitable for a book group, or individual study.
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book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com
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to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am
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