I Blog For Books

WestBow Press

05 January 2025


It has been a while since I posted ... quite a long while, in fact ... since oh,  2016 or so?

I have given much thought over the past few days to starting up my blog again. Not that I posted frequently, in fact I would go months without posting! It figures that I wouldn't be able to log back in. Maybe one of these days I will be able to figure it out. As you all know, today is the 5th of January, 2025. What is so significant about this day? It's tomorrow that is a significant day - for our family, at least - you see, tomorrow is my granddaughter's 18th birthday! Because she lives in Georgia instead of Alabama, she will be OFFICIALLY an adult.

I remember the day she was born, the long night prior [not in the same way her mother does, mind you!], bringing her home from the hospital, and those precious few days immediately after her birth that mama and I were able to spend with her before we had to fly back home. You see, Samantha Mackenzie was born in Germany when her mama was stationed there. Nine hours in the plane plus another three and a half hours home by car. My baby was a long way from home to be a new mama. I can't even begin to imagine how she felt when we had to get on that plane to come home, but I sure remember being sad at having to leave her and my new granddaughter behind.

I have so many memories of the past eighteen years, Niecy memories. I had the idea that I would be called Nana, you see, because I thought it was a cool name, but Rob's mom was Nana Jane. My mom was Honey. My name came about because mama and Aunt Barbara kept Sam during one of Nik's three trips overseas when she was small. Mama called me Nise or Denise, and so did Aunt Barbara (and Aunt Mary). Suffice it to say that Sam thought my name was Nise (or Denise). No way was little missy going to call me Denise, so we settled on Niecy. [When Jon came along, he couldn't say Niecy. so I was MEESY for a while lol]

Sam, you are now starting a new phase of life - young adulthood. That just seems weird to say - thinking that my baby's baby is now an ADULT. There is so much I want to tell you, and so much that you are simply going to have to learn as you go. Becoming an adult in 2025 is far, far different than becoming an adult in 1982 like I did, or even in 2004 like your mama did. Today's world is not the same as either of ours was. In 1982, my high school had ONE computer, in the library. In 2025, I have three computers in my home, as do you. Let's not even talk about the computers that we carry with us everywhere ... our cell phones! I got my first cell phone in 1998 at age 34. You got your first cell phone at age 12. 

I'll leave you with these thoughts. I am always as near as a phone call, you know that. My door is and will always remain open to you. I am so proud of you, excited for what is to come, yet anxious for you at the same time. You are about to begin the spring semester, which will end your first year of college! How is this even possible?? Go forth and do great things, young one. Your Niecy loves you more than words.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future ... Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised." -Proverbs 31: 25, 30

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